Saturday, July 16, 2011

Allegedly, opponents of same-sex civil marriage are bigots because they exclude same-sex couples from the institution of marriage, and all the benefits that such an institution affords to married couples.

1 comment:

  1. Whether those who oppose same-sex civil marriage are bigots or not is the question, not the conclusion. The government favors handicapped people, requiring city buses to lean down and stretch out mechanical platforms to get them on-board, while all other passengers wait and wait. Handicapped people also get the best parking spaces near cinemas, supermarkets. Try parking in one of their stalls without permission.

    Thus, the government is quite able to favor some type of people over others, and it is not unconstitutional at all, nor a denial of due process, or a denial of equal rights.

    Another example are the people of Hawaiian descent, who are favored in Hawaii according to their ancestry. That's a blatant denial of equal rights to all other residents of Hawaii. Yet, it is constitutional - the Legislature can decide.

    If the government does not favor the type of marriage which can engender, raise, and educate children, much expense will the government need to make on social services if children are NOT reared and educated by their natural parents (both).

    The government didn't create biology by design. The government just finds it cheaper to support marriage between one man and one woman, out of centuries of experience and statistical data.
